AFI 36-2005, Officer Accessions, 2 Aug 17
One of the governing regulations for commissioning in the Air Force is Air Force Instruction (AFI) 36-2005, Officer Accessions. The latest version of this instruction was published on 2 August 2017.
I haven’t read the document in it’s entirety, but so far I have two comments regarding the latest release.
- THE MAXIMUM AGE WAS CHANGED TO 39! Previously, applicants had to be between the ages of 18 – 34. Now, you have to commission before your 40th birthday, meaning the maximum age has been changed to 39. NOTE: This applies to non-rated only.
- AFI 36-2005 states AFRS can further restrict the age, and also says age requirements in AFI 36-2013 still aplly. However based on what I have been hearing, I expect these to eventually change as well (to include the TFOT Guide).
2.6. Age.
2.6.1. To be eligible for an original appointment the applicant must be at least 18 years of age and not reached his/her 40th birthday. (T-1) Note: AFRS/RSO, AF/RE, and NGB/A1Y may further restrict the maximum age based on needs of the component.

Screenshot of First Page

Summary of Changes

Paragraph for age requirements
- AFOQT – I have been hearing rumors that they are going to add a score requirement of a combined Quantitative/Verbal score (For example, 150), but haven’t seen anything official yet. Per this AFI, the requirement appears unchanged. I am anxious to see the next TFOT guide. Please let me know if you hear anything official on this and I’ll push it out.

AFOQT requirements
All Air Force Instructions can be found at the Air Force E-Publishing web site. Click Here for the link and use the search box to find the AFI you want.
Click Here for the direct link to AFI 36-2005.
I reached out to see if I could get more confirmation:
JM Palacios
Does this apply to Air Force Reserves as well, or just Air Force? Trying to figure out the max age to join up as an officer, I know I’m too old for the Air National Guard (have to finish training before age 35) but can’t find much info on Air Force Reserves.
Check the AFI because I can’t remember if they updated it. I also can’t remember what it mentions about the reserve side. Ultimately, I would ask an officer reserve recruiter because they are going to be best equipped to give you the current answer. Just ask for a regulatory reference if something you hear doesn’t sound right