Sharing my journey through Air Force Officer Training School (OTS) and beyond.


AFOQT (T Version)

I recently noticed my AFOQT posts are extremely outdated!  Here is an August 2016 update.

I took the test in 2014 so when I applied for OTS my test was scored as the “S” version.  The letter “S” didn’t mean much to me at the time but shortly after I was accepted they rolled out the “T” version.  I have heard the AFOQT is nothing but a huge science experiment and I completely agree.  I feel like whoever makes the test does a ridiculous amount of calculations to somehow quantify whatever you answered to a percentile.  It seems like the calculations from S to T were slight vs. dramatic; the biggest change was probably the addition of the reading comprehension section.

To provide some context for the minute differences, here were my scores from the original “S” version vs the “T” version.  To be clear, I only took the AFOQT once.  These differences are due to the differences in how the versions are calculated:

Test Date Form/Version Pilot Navigator Acad Aptitude Verbal Quantitative
2014 S/1 84 90 72 74 63


Test Date Form/Version Pilot Navigator Acad Aptitude Verbal Quantitative
2014 T/7 78 90 65 69 57

The first place you should probably go as you prepare for your AFOQT is the official web site.  Here is the link.  I would pay special attention to the “AFOQT Information Pamphlet” and the “AFOQT Prep Course.”

After you review those material and get a feel for what the test will be like, the next step will be to obtain some study materials.  I believe I talked about what books I used and how I used the base library in my last post, and my advice for this post is the same.  I have also heard of people using a “Barron’s” book but since I only studied for the “S” version I can’t really vouch for anything anymore.  My biggest advice is to use as many books as you can get your hands on and spend a lot of time practicing using a timer.  The AFOQT is a fast test so you want to be sure you are prepared for the pace.

I’ll let the official material speak on the mechanics of the test.  You will have to coordinate details on test administration with your recruiter or education center, but in general the test is administered by test control officers (TCOs) once per month.  It is scored on paper and mailed by USPS to whoever the graders are, I think at Randolph AFB, TX.  Once they are graded they automatically update the database online and it usually takes 2-6 weeks to get your results back.

Good luck!  My closing advice is to do your best on the test because the scores matter but are not crucial.  The better you do, the better it will look; but at the same time a terrible score is not the end of the world (as long as you meet the pre-requisites.)  Feel free to post any questions or any more recent advice.


  1. Good update for future guidance! I wasn't told anything about the new T version by my recruiter, but luckily I saw a blog post from a recent test taker that tipped me off about 10 days before I took the test back in February. Honestly though, the Reading Comprehension and Situational Judgment sections aren't subjects that you can master (or even need to master) by using test books.

    Like the rest of the test, it's all about speed mixed with focus. Read fast, but not so fast that you miss info. And the Judgment section is really a crapshoot if you ask me. You just gotta pick whatever you think makes you sound like a good, stable leader who takes care of his subordinates.

    I did really well though by using the Form S Barron's book. My scores: P-93/Q-92/N-98/V-96/AA-97. Just learn to work fast as lightning by taking tons of practice tests with a stopwatch on hand!

  2. Great info, thanks for the advice! I am really glad I didn't have to do the RC and I don't think I even knew about thr judgement sections. Thank you for your comment!

  3. Sir, do you know any officers who barely passed but still got a commission through OTS? My former flight commander humbly told me how “dumb” he was, and that he failed his first attempt at the AFOQT. I am not kidding when he called himself dumb. Actually took me by surprise. He barely passed his 2nd attempt, but was able to commission through AFROTC and then become a 17D.

  4. For sure look at the air force testing website first. It'll give you some study info and practice test questions. Using that, then you'll know what you need to study, and won't waste time studying stuff that you don't need to (like the shapes). Then practice, practice, practice. Time yourself on the grid. Time yourself on the blocks. The more you practice, the better you get. It's not a hard test, but it's a fast one.

  5. Yes, the AFOQT isn't everything, it is just a small portion. I have heard there are different categories of your board score and your AFOQT would probably only be assessed in one aspect (Education). Since you have other ways to show your education level (writing, degrees, GPA) it may start to make sense how it isn't crucial to get stellar scores.

  6. Great advice, thanks Zach.

  7. ADEL


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