Sharing my journey through Air Force Officer Training School (OTS) and beyond.

Post Board Feedback

Board Scoring Criteria

This was has been floating around for a while, I just haven’t had a chance to post it.  This is posted for educational purposes only, I DO NOT consider this OTS selection board truth data.  However, after reviewing this in depth it feels consistent with what I have been hearing about the board over the years.  Your takeaway from this post should be insight into how the board might work, and this can help you decide on how to shift the focus within the different parts of your application.

If you know who to credit this to, please let me know.  I am not trying to steal anyone’s credit; I am just trying to provide some insight which can help out future OTS applicants.  All I did with the visual aids is convert some of the text into visual format.

Rated Applicants:  No jobs available from choices = non-select

Rated applicants take note!!!  It is possible this is no longer the case, but either way this is new to me.  In other words, if all you put is pilot but the only slots available are ABM, this line says that you will be a non-select.

  • The board is comprised of 3 Colonels or Colonel (selects) per 300 – 350 applications.
  • Selection is based on the “whole person” concept
  • Records are reviewed/scored electronically
General Scoring
  • There are three scoring areas
    • Experience/Leadership (2 – 4 points)
    • Education/Aptitude (2 – 3 points)
    • Potential/Adaptability (2 – 3 points)
  • Total of 6 – 10 points per board member
  • Score in 1/10 increments
  • Each application will receive a score of 18.0 – 30.0 points
  • Splits (1.5+ points differences in board member score) are returned for re-score

Experience/Leadership (4/10 of Total Score)
Factors Experience/Leadership
  • Leadership Potential
  • Letters of Recommendation
  • Work Ethic
  • Employment History
  • Military Experience/Performance
Demonstrated Leadership
  • Scope of Responsibility
  • Honors/Recognition
  • Community Service/Activities or Base involvement
  • Athletic/Skills/Hobbies
Education/Aptitude (3/10 of Total Score)
  • Academic discipline – non specific
  • GPA , academic awards/recognition
  • AFOQT scores – See Quick Reference
  • PCSM score (rated apps only)
Potential/Adaptability (3/10 of Total Score)
  • Evaluation of Interviewing Officer
  • Letter of Recommendation (3 – 5) indicating potential and adaptability
  • Personal Experiences
  • Communication Skills
  • Law Violations / Involvement with law

Additional Information Provided to Board Members
  • AFOQT averages from 2004 to present
  • AFOQT Facts
  • Quick Reference Sheet
  • PCSM Information
Determining the Cutline
  • Records are Listed by Board Order of Merit Scores
  • Amount of people needed to be selected + extra for attrition (15% for attrition (Pilot/CSO, 10% for ABM/RPA)
  • All records on the cutline or above the cutline will be considered a select
  • Classify selects into rated AFSC according to their choices
  • AFRS/CC convening authority; AETC/CC approval authority
  • Selection is based on board score/order of merit
  • Classification based on sequence of choices and allocations
  • No jobs available from choices = non-select
  • Selection is based on board score/order of merit
  • Classification is done by AFPC and it is based on choices, degree, allocations and needs of the AF
  • No jobs available from choices = needs of the AF


  1. Former Enlisted


    How do you think the board figures out who those who stretch the truth and those who do not? I have official documentation for everything I claim (EPRs, transcripts, etc). With supposedly spending no more than 5 minutes per package, I wonder how they figure who is a BS artist.

    • Comment by post author


      Do you have any examples in mind? When I look at an application I can get a pretty good feel for who the person is. If you read the app profile because it is a dynamic document with room for personalization (even subtle) I feel like I have a general feel for who the person is. When I read the AF56 bullets, I get another perspective for who that person is. When I read the LOR, same thing. In a solid application all three images of the person jives. In a lot of the non-select applications I have seen, each document provides a fragmented snapshot of the applicant… it is very obvious. I’ll admit I don’t recall any specific instances of stretched truth on an application but I would like to think if I did certain statements would feel empty or hollow. It would mean someone said something on the app profile and it wasn’t mentioned anywhere else, or it just didn’t feel right. When I actually think back to applications I have seen the biggest problem I notice is the fragmented message, not necessarily stretched truth. But on the stretched truth topic instead I feel like people try too hard and put a lot of non-important things on their applications to fill the space.

  2. AD Applicant

    I noticed it says that for non-rated applicants if you get selected and they don’t have a slot in a job you listed you’ll get slotted for “needs of the AF.” So my question is if that happens and you get assigned a job you don’t want is it an option to deny it? And what are the repercussions if you do so. I would assume you become ineligible for re-enlistment and ineligible to apply again but what else? I’m currently AD and I’ll be applying next January for a 17D position but as good as the Air Force has been to me if I get in but don’t get a slot as a 17D I don’t want to commission and work for 4 years in a job that is totally unrelated to the field I’m trying to build a career in.

    Thank you for all the work you put into this website, I think it’s an incredibly valuable resource to anyone who’s applying or thinking of applying, including myself.

    • Comment by post author


      That’s one question I haven’t got a good answer yet. I’ll post it to the Facebook group. I seem to recall an assignment limitation code in the assignments afi about turning down a commission, you could check there first.

      Be careful when you put your application together to keep your implied attitude where you want it. I want to be an officer only if I’m a 17D can have less weight than I worked my whole life and serving in any capacity would be an honor. Just a thought. I totally understand where you are coming from and I respect that you know what you want, that can have weight as well. Just some thoughts.

  3. Vincent

    Where is the mentioned quick reference sheet and pcsm information?

    • Comment by post author


      They posted the AFOQT averages but I don’t think I have ever seen the PCSM sheet. That is something they give to the board members but I have never seen it.

    • David

      I know this is about few years old. But I am very happy to see this here. This gives me a better view on how they grade you. I am nervous about the afoqt, I’m going to give it my best. I am what you may call a late bloomer currently enlisted E4 and have been building up a package on why I want to be an officer There is one Job in the LO position which is aerospace physiology, but if I don’t get that I’m am happy and willing to take another position. I have no family members that were officers and being the first would be amazing feat. I hope you read this for you have inspired me more. The board date for mine will be apr2023 im going to work hard for it. Thank you and have a good day or night ! Sir

      • Comment by post author


        Thanks for the comment and good luck on the board! Don’t worry about being a late bloomer, I crossed over at 11 years and I know several people who crossed after that point. Glean all the experience you can as an enlisted member and maintain a positive attitude in everything you do, and you’ll be successful in whatever you do.

        • David

          Thanks you so much sir ! And will do im being more outgoing within my flight and upper levels

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