Sharing my journey through Air Force Officer Training School (OTS) and beyond.


16OT03 NR Results Are Trickling Out!

I just noticed on the forums that civilian select notifications are starting to trickle out!  It looks like people started to get phone calls from their recruiters on Saturday 30 Apr but more today (2 May).  If you are AD I would expect to hear Tuesday or Wednesday, but would not be surprised if it wasn’t until Friday.  I WOULD be surprised if you did not know by Friday, I am pretty sure the results will be pushed out this week.  (This is just a personal guess so I could be wrong).

When I submitted my application last year the SharePoint asked for an email for my commander and my commander was the only one who got my ‘OTS select’ email from the OTS board staff.  He brought along the squadron leadership but I know most of the bigger bases also bring higher leadership depending on the unit.  If you see a bunch of rank walk into your office be skeptical of anything they tell you.  They often like to have a little fun with the ‘select’ notifications and many get creative.

As always feel free to leave a comment on this post if this blog helped you out.  I always love hearing from readers.  Good luck to you all!


  1. L. Swanson

    I'm waiting on pins and needles. What I'm worried about is if I don't here anything. Then I'm guessing that'd mean non-select. I wonder how they normally let people know they didn't make it? Hopefully not by just waiting for the public release. That would be painful. Either way I'll update when I know.

  2. Rumor has it the official results are set for Friday 6 May and the instructions to commanders state they can notify selects on Thursday. Regarding your concern of being a non-select, it is a valid fear. How you are notified will depend on your leadership. The proper AF way is for your commander to break the news to you somehow as he sees fit, it would NOT be to let you find out on the public release. I have heard of both situations though so it is really up to your commander.

  3. Facing the fear of not being selected or not being the best is something I have personally been going through lately with the OTS/commissioning process. I also had the fear of being a non-select so I know how that feels, but fortunately I was selected my first time. After that it has been a continuous mental battle or fear of not being the best like I always had been in the past. OTS selects are extremely high caliber so I always feared how I would fit in the mix. At some point I realized that I am who I am regardless of those around me. True success is not where you are at in the pack, it is how effective you are at making an impact on those around you. This is a really long way to tell you to be comfortable with where you are at and who you are as a person regardless of what the results are. Let challenges attack you but not tear you down, and run with the motivation and inspiration of success. Learn from both, and stay true to yourself. You've got this.

  4. Anonymous

    I was notified that I was selected to attend OTS on Saturday, 30 April 2016. I am a first-time civilian applicant selected for 17D. I am very excited about the opportunity. I came across your blog from a page created by another applicant for this board. I will be reviewing your blog extensively. I have an inward battle hopefully you could help answer–I'm taking graduate classes and my next one starts in less than 2 weeks. It won't end until August. There is a possibility for me to leave as early as July, but no guarantee. My recruiter thinks Aug-Sept time frame. Would you personally take classes or not risk it and just enjoy family time. Thank you in advance.

  5. First of all, congrats on your selection!!! I could have been a 17D in another life so I naturally think you are on a great path. I am glad you found my blog helpful. Regarding you question it is hard to make a recommendation without the full picture but I think it all depends on what your goals are. It may be months before you go to OTS, two months at OTS, and I believe UCT is six months. I wouldn't recommend doing school during tech school and definitely not during OTS so what would you want to achieve before you leave? What benefit is one more class? Personally I am very family oriented so recommend focusing your time with you family and prepping physically and mentally for OTS. I have spent as much time as possible with my family when I could during/after OTS and it has still been hard on us. Feel free to shoot me an e-mail for more focused input.

  6. First of all, congrats on your selection!!! I could have been a 17D in another life so I naturally think you are on a great path. I am glad you found my blog helpful. Regarding you question it is hard to make a recommendation without the full picture but I think it all depends on what your goals are. It may be months before you go to OTS, two months at OTS, and I believe UCT is six months. I wouldn't recommend doing school during tech school and definitely not during OTS so what would you want to achieve before you leave? What benefit is one more class? Personally I am very family oriented so recommend focusing your time with you family and prepping physically and mentally for OTS. I have spent as much time as possible with my family when I could during/after OTS and it has still been hard on us. Feel free to shoot me an e-mail for more focused input.

  7. Anonymous

    Found out yesterday I've been selected for 13N. Excited beyond belief and ready to get things started.

  8. Congratulations! I have worked closely with 13N's over the past ten years. The career field is great because you are essentially working with a bunch of your buddies out there doing the job. A lot of other career fields are structured differently so officers sometimes feel isolated. Again, congrats!

  9. Anonymous

    anybody got the list of civilian selects for the 16ot03 NR board.

  10. Maybe someone out there does. I have never heard of that list leaving the hands of the recruiters though.

  11. Hello, I applied for 16OT03 board and got selected as 62E1B. I have few question. 1. If I choose to live in barracks on the base after commission, will i get BAH? 2. I dont know if you would be able to answer this, but if I get stationed in Arnold AFB, will I be able to work in AEDC lab?

    Thanks in advance.

  12. Congrats on your selection! If you live in the barracks (AF calls them dorms) you do not get BAH, but usually officers cannot live in dorms on base. The only exception I can think of is if you are TDY and they augment the normal hotel lodging with dorms. For your second question I am not familiar with Arnold AFB or the lab. Normally you are stationed where you work so maybe you would be stationed at the lab that is based out of Arnold. This would mean you would work in the lab but get a lot of support from Arnold.

  13. Thank you for your reply. So does that mean I most likely have to get an apartment off base even in my first year?

  14. Feel free to email me because you may have different circumstances and I am not familiar with your career field. Yes most officers live off base right away but the BAH should cover a small apartment or house off base. You can use the hotel on base for the first month or so while you are finding a permanent residence. Are you moving after the first year or staying in the same location?

  15. Anonymous

    Just wondering…any tips/advice for dual military couples (one is Army National Guard who was prior service AD Army, the other was recently selected as an Air Force Officer, non-prior service)?

  16. The advantage of your situation is that your wife will understand a lot of what you are going through as far as the military life is concerned. The AF is much different than the Army so I assume your transition will be much easier than what you have heard from your wife. Are you active or Air National Guard? If you are active and she will be Guard it may be tough for you because you may be moved often but she will have to stay put unless she can find units close to where you will be stationed. What type of advice are you looking for? Feel free to email me as well.

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