Sharing my journey through Air Force Officer Training School (OTS) and beyond.

OTS Weeks 2017

OTS Phases, Final Tips

OTS Phases

Throughout OTS, you will be given different phases and have different privileges during those phases.  The OTSMAN covers all of them, and it should be possible to obtain a copy of the OTSMAN online to give yourself a head start, but the phases essentially break down like this.

  • Indoctrination:  No privileges, cadets will need permission from OTS staff to do almost anything.  No phones, no access to cars (without approval), and tight meals.
  • Phase one:  OTS complex privileges.  Tight meals, no phones, but ability to go to the OTS shoppette.
  • Phase two:  Maxwell AFB privileges.  Dinner is not a tight meal, may access POV’s, no cell phones.
  • Phase three:  Off-Base privileges.  No tight meals, may consume alcohol, may carry cell phones.
  • Phase four:  Off-Base privileges.  Must attend class but don’t need to march in formation.  Formal reporting not required, civilian clothes authorized.

Our class had some issues with earning phases, and we were essentially in phase 2 until 3 days prior to graduation.  This made meeting our families and coordinating things around graduation extremely difficult.  Keep that in mind before you leave so you can coordinate with your family as much as you can ahead of time.

Per the December 2017 OTSMAN, the phase program is rumored to now be gone.  Instead of formal phases, the idea will be for cadets to specifically request any privilege.  I left this information in this post to give you an idea of what to ask for when you hit the ground at OTS.  Want to hit the gym so you can prep for your PT test?  Want to have your cell phone after the duty day?  Do a memo to request the privilege.  I actually agree with this change, because this is one of the most crucial aspects of actually being an officer.  Thinking outside of the box and not being afraid of asking for something has served me well over the past two years.

– airforceotsguy

Final tips
  1. Bring a printer and copier.  There are printers but having your own personal one will save you trouble.
  2. Ask the priors.  If you don’t have any military experience (like myself), they will help you in learning how to put on the uniform, the proper way to march, what to expect after OTS, etc.
  3. Think before you speak.  It may sound simple, but when the staff is in your face you may say things incorrectly.  Take a second to breathe and remain calm.
  4. Obtain a copy of the OTSMAN and dorm manual ahead of time.  You don’t need to have it memorized (I would recommend having the creed and song memorized beforehand though), but having an idea of what to expect and getting familiar with the customs and courtesies will prove extremely helpful.
  5. Bring a 3 in 1 soap/shampoo for faster showers.
  6. Be prepared to not get paid for some time.  I arrived September 19th and didn’t get paid until November 1st.
  7. The laundry rooms can get full really quickly.  Sometimes it’s better to wait until about 1930 to start laundry, avoid the rush.
  8. Take everything I say with a grain of salt.  They are constantly changing the course, so the order of things is not set in stone.
  9. They will sometimes question you even if you’re right.  Be confident.


  1. AD

    Are the regulations on phones the same as in basic (meaning none at all)? I thought at OTS phones were allowed only after the duty day and in your dorm room, or is this only after you reach phase 3?

    • Comment by post author


      It changes based on OTS leadership direction. Based on this account from earlier this year phones were restricted based on phase for the 24 TRS. If the phase system goes away they will likely restrict phone usage until your flight requests permission to use them. Det 12 leadership may have a different perspective on this.

  2. Mielle

    You said at one point, you will have an off-base privileges. What does it entail?

    • Comment by post author


      Off base privileges means you can leave base after class and be gone until curfew. At one point it was outlined in the OTSMAN but basically it means you can leave base to go out to eat or whatever.

  3. Brandon Tripp

    How does this change for reserves if at all? Im 31, looking into joining reserves. I have a wife and 4 kids. Going away for 9 weeks without contact would be verrrrry difficult lol

  4. Kim Dietrich

    I have not gotten in yet. but provided I do get in this round, as a physical therapist, my OTS will be in Oct 2021 (according to my recruiter). My only brother’s wedding is also in Oct 2021 in Michigan. I would not be granted permission to go in person, right? Or would I at least be granted permission to watch a live recording on my phone?

    • Comment by post author


      Watching the live recording is very doable in my opinion. Attending would be a case by case basis depending on COVID, stage in training, and when the wedding is (weekday vs. weekend). Your best bet would be to bring it to your leadership’s attention ASAP after arrival and keep the lines of communication and expectations open

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