Sharing my journey through Air Force Officer Training School (OTS) and beyond.

OTS Weeks 2017

Week 8 – PFA, Combatives

Physical Fitness Assessment (PFA)

This week is similar to week 6, as a lot of it is more tailored to prepare you for after OTS.  The important things that are completed this week are the PFA and the start of combatives.  Throughout OTS you’ll be doing PT on a somewhat regular basis, most of it being runs, pushups, and situps, so this final physical assessment should be nothing to worry about.  Get enough sleep the night before, hydrate, and you’ll be fine.


Combatives is started this week.  It is not a graded measure in any way, but if you have never had any fighting experience it is a fun chance to learn a few moves.  Since it is only 4 days with 3 hours of instruction you don’t learn a whole lot, and you’re only allowed to do the moves they teach.  Embrace it for what it is and have fun with it.  Bring your mouth guard, as having a 341 pulled in one of the final weeks is silly.


  1. JD

    Question regarding the intensity of the combatives.

    Did you find during your experience that people were out there trying to hurt one another or simply learning the tactics? I’m old, the last thing I want is some young buck breaking my arm or tearing something.

    • Comment by post author


      Most people were respectful of the intensity people wanted to go at. No one wanted to get hurt and the people who really got into it like myself stuck to the moves they taught us. When we sparred we were able to pick partners so that helped as well.

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