Sharing my journey through Air Force Officer Training School (OTS) and beyond.

OTS Weeks 2021

Week 0

For this week, you will mostly be “herded” around and getting yelled at when making mistakes.  It’s not particularly difficult, but, might be stressful for you depending on your experience and personality.  Try to learn the dining facility procedures as quickly as possible.  Try to set up and standardize you and your flight members’ dorm rooms according to the dorm manual.  You will spend a significant time practicing individual drill and marching.  On the weekend, my flight got a surprise visit from the OTS staff in our dorms and we were given about 5 minutes to strip and make our beds around five times in a row in addition to changing back and forth from PT gear to OCP’s several times.  This week was pretty much something right out of Air Force Basic Training.  This week, you will have to assign your flight jobs.  Everyone will have one or two flight job responsibilities at OTS.  Try to pick something that piques your interest.  There are pro’s and con’s to each job and some are definitely more demanding than others.  Personally, I was a Squadron-level Expeditionary Skills Officer which helped teach expeditionary skills like weapons handling, tactical movement, navigation, and radio communication.  Overall, it wasn’t too difficult.  The job consisted of some classroom and field training which we were required to plan and execute to prepare everyone for HELPS and WELPS.

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