Sharing my journey through Air Force Officer Training School (OTS) and beyond.


OCP Uniform Rumors

There are a lot of rumors flying around about the Air Force switching from Airman Battle Uniform (ABU) to the Operational Camouflage Pattern (OCP) the Army (and some Air Force units) currently use while deployed.  I’m just making this post for those of you who aren’t fully immersed in the Air Force rumor-mill circles.  The latest rumors are looking slightly more credible and hinting at the possibility of a 1 Oct implementation.  Here are a few thoughts:

  1. If approved, there will be a phase in period where people can wear both ABUs and OCPs, probably a ~two year period.  If you are slotted to go to OTS and already bought ABUs, don’t panic.
  2. Nothing is official as of March 16, 2018.  They did a PA freeze I assume to help control the rumor mill, but they will probably release an official statement soon.
  3. If I was slotted to go to OTS tomorrow, I would still probably buy two brand new sets of ABUs.  I think when I went I bought two brand new pairs and I had one newer less-faded enlisted set with removed stripes for field stuff.  After OTS that older set was pretty much destroyed so just think about that when you consider your options.
  4. Pay attention or watch for not only official guidance at the Air Force level, but for any additional guidance at the OTS level.
  5. Whatever you decide to do, look sharp in your uniform.  You will be an officer and are expected to wear your uniform with pride, as an example to all others.

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