Sharing my journey through Air Force Officer Training School (OTS) and beyond.


FY2019 Line Officer Board Schedule

Disclaimer:  I do not have a need to stay up-to-date on the board schedule.  I will do my best to keep this updated for you all, but if you notice a discrepancy please post a comment to let me know.

The 2019 schedule was released!  Here are the dates:

Board #
HQ AFRS Application cut-off
Board Date
Estimated Release Date
Estimated TFOT Class

Rolling *See note below

19OT01 (Active Duty)
12 Dec 18
17 – 21 Dec 18

28 Jan – 1 Feb 19 (21 – 25 Jan 19)
Release Delayed (28 Feb 19)
TFOT 20-01 – TFOT 20-08 (Sep ’19 – Oct ’20)

19OT02 (Civilian)
24 Jan 19 (05 Mar 19)
28 Jan – 1 Feb 19
25 Feb – 1 Mar 19 (01 – 05 Apr 19)
29 Mar 19 (02 May 19)
TFOT 20-01 – TFOT 20-04 (Sep ’19 – Mar ’20)

19OT03 (Civilian)
25 Jul 19 (20 Jun 19 or 30 Jun 19*)
29 Jul – 2 Aug 19
26 – 30 Aug 19 (22 – 26 Jul 19)
Release Delayed* (27 Sep 19) (22 Aug 19)
TFOT 20-05 – TFOT 20-08 (Mar ’20 – Oct ’20)
*Conflict found when comparing two images, verify with recruiter
*according to rumors in the Facebook group


  1. (CAD) Critical Accessions Degree’s are based on Air Force needs and are subject to change
    1. FY19 CAD boards are open for the following AFSCs only (TBD)
    2. AFSC will be posted under “Hot!!” link on HQ AFRS AF Portal “Apply for a Commission Via TFOT (Active Duty Enlisted Airmen)”
  2. Applications MUST be received at HQ AFRS NLT midnight on the HQ AFRS Application cut-off date.  Active Duty Submission link will become available on 26 Nov 2018.  Link will be posted under “Submit Your Completed Application” located on the HQ AFRS AF Portal Web Page.
  3. “Active Duty” Board is for current Enlisted RegAF applicants only.  Enlisted RegAF appilcants can apply to the 19OTCAD rolling boards.

Effective:  17 Aug 2018 (1 June 2018)

AF Portal Update – 1 Jan 19

16 Nov 2018 – FY19 Rolling CAD boards suspended for until 14 March 2019. Individuals eligible for CAD need to submit applications for the 19OT02 AD TFOT board with 12 Dec 2018 application cut-off or wait until 15 March 2019 when Rolling CAD boards resume.

Click Here for link to AF Portal Update


  • UPDATE 6/14/2018:  This has not been posted to the Air Force Portal page yet.  This was released through the recruiter chain so we haven’t seen it on the active duty side yet.  I will update this post when it is.
  • UPDATE 6/18/2018:  This has been confirmed on Air Force Portal.
  • UPDATE 8/29/2018:  Significant changes to the schedule and added “RCG QC at AFRS dates.”  Removed old June 2018 images.
  • UPDATE 1/22/2019: Verified schedule with AF Portal – still current. Lined through old dates, added reference to cancelled CAD board, and highlighted upcoming dates.
  • UPDATE 3/9/2019: Updated delay information and highlighted upcoming dates.
  • UPDATE 9/30/2019: Updated highlighting based on current date.


  1. John

    I have a question that you could possibly answer. I am at an OS base w/in 6 months of my DEROS. It is my understanding that this FY19 board is for FY20 OTS classes. If I am selected in this FY19 board (28 Feb 19) for a FY20 OTS class, would I be forced to stay at my OS location until the class start date? Any insight you can provide is greatly appreciated.

    • airforceotsguy

      So your DEROS is basically the same time the applications are due? Check the questionnaires because I can’t remember what they say about the DEROS, but I think you have to have a year left or something to even apply. Yes, you would probably need to stay at the overaeas location until you left for OTS, but understand AFRS tries to line up the class dates with people’s DEROS. Would September 2019 be an unreasonable time to wait for OTS?

      • John

        The TFOT guide says that if you are within 8m 25d of your DEROS, you must request extension of DEROS 180d past the estimated board release date to meet a specific board(Feb 19 in my case). Doing this would push my DEROS from DEC 2018 to AUG 2019. You mentioned SEP 2019. Is that the first class date?

        • Comment by post author


          FY19 boards normally fill FY20 OTS dates. I mentioned September 2019 because that would be around when the first FY20 class would be. Since you ate DEROS constrained they may even try to fit you into FY19 class, it is something they look at on a case by case basis.

  2. Joshua Burrow

    Where was this posted? I don’t see it on the TFOT webpage where they usually are.

    • Bethany

      That’s what I want to know too…

    • Randomguy:)

      That is what I came here to find out. I was on the portal page just now trying to “verify” the information and it wasn’t there. Glad to see I wasn’t the only person that was confused.

  3. This guy

    I just got an assignment to Kunsan short tour after making E7. My RNLD is Feb 2019 which makes my return date same time 2020. Am I eligible for OTS 2020?

    • Comment by post author


      In general if you have an assignment you are not eligible. However, every situation is different because sometimes they approve waivers depending on the reason you are ineligible. I really recommend you download the TFOT guide and look at questionnaire 2. You will have to dig into the AFIs to see how it applies to your specific situation.
      3) Have you been nominated/selected for an assignment? (AFI 36‐2013, Rules 4 and 5.), Yes answer ‐ ineligible. Mark waiver column. 5) Will you meet your assignment Time‐on‐Station (TOS) by the board convening date? (Ref: AFI 36‐2013, Table 1.1, Rule 6 and 9.) No answer ‐ ineligible, Mark waiver column. 6) Are you currently serving OCONUS and are within 9 months of your DEROS? (Ref: AFI 36‐2013, Table 1.1., Rule 7) Yes answer ‐ ineligible. Mark waiver column.


    @airforceotsguy, sir how can I get a hold of you? Via email or phone. I have a few questions about my current OTS application that you might help me with.


    @airforceotsguy, sir how can I get a hold of you? Via email or phone? I have some questions about my current OTS application that maybe you can help me with. Thank you for you time sir.

  6. Anon

    Are these dates for non-rated? It was my understanding they would only have rated officer positions for 2019.

    • Comment by post author


      Do you know where you heard that from? As far as I know the quotas reset every year so I personally have no reason to think there would be no nonrated slots. They should select rated and nonrated for that one board

  7. Bethany

    Hi there,

    I’m putting together my package as a civilian. I take the AFOQT at the end of the September. I have been going at this process rather “blindly” other than what I have found online because my recruiter hasn’t been much help. Would you possibly be able to provide a checklist of some sort that details what all must be included in the final application/package? I have a rough idea, but would like to have more concrete information to go off of.

  8. Jeremiah

    Could you request for a specific AFSC? My understanding is that once you get picked up for OTS, they give you a job. What if I wanted to stay SF.

  9. Former Enlisted


    What is “RCG QC”? Also, I find it very interesting that they actually moved the 19OT02 board from March to January. That has to be a first.

  10. Dyamond


    A recruiter just informed me that they are only taking electrical and mechanical engineering degrees for this next board. Can anyone confirm this?

    Thank you!

    • Comment by post author


      Sometimes recruiters say things like that to filter out applicants at the recruiting squadron level to manage their workload. I posted this in the Facebook group and it sounds like it is NOT enterprise wide.

  11. Jer

    I heard that the board this December had been cancelled or am I confusing it with the last board for FY18 that was cancelled?


    I am looking to schedule my AFOQT. My 2 options are to take it October 10th 2018 or November 7th 2018. I would rather take November 7th to have not study time. I’m worried about not having my scores back to apply for the December board. Which date would you recommend?

    • Comment by post author


      It mostly depends on how prepared you feel. Have you been taking timed pre-tests? How have you been scoring? The biggest enemy is time so getting used to that is the first hurdle. I would hate for you to rush into the test on the 7th and completely tank it. If you want to wait are you stateside or overseas? The standard wait time for results to update is typically 10-14 days. Just know that once you test they snail mail the sheets to Randolph where they are graded. After that they are inputted directly into the system. In other words as long as it gets there you should be fine.

      • Jessica

        Thank you! I went with the 7th, so I could have more study time. I really think I need it. Also, do you know how I can find all of my traffic tickets? I want to make sure I report everything, but I don’t remember everything I’ve had. I know I had quite a few in my teenage years, but I’m not sure how to go about finding them. I just don’t want the board to think I am hiding anything.

        • Comment by post author


          Ask the DMV or police but the records typically only go back three years. I lucked out because I kept the tickets from my youth. The only other thing I can think of is that my insurance company used to show me my tickets online but not anymore.

  13. Eager Airman

    Hello Sir,

    I am at my first duty station and have only been here a few weeks. Will I be able to apply for the 19OT01 AD board or will I have to wait until I am 2 years time on station to begin the process? I have already taken the AFOQT and I’m wondering if I can apply for the board in January? Then I can wait until 2 years time on station before going to OTS, as it seems the class dates aren’t until 2020. I hope that makes sense.

    Any information would be greatly appreciated!

    • Comment by post author


      The roadmap to your answer is in the TFOT guide questionnaires 1 and 2. Depending on if you are overseas or stateside, I am pretty sure you have to be on station for one year at “board convene date,” but look it up for yourself to be sure. Shoot me an email and I can provide you with more specific information if needed, but definitely start with the questionnaires.

  14. Krystal

    I applied for the 19OTCAD board, is there a specific date when those results are released? I know it says rolling, so should I just expect to hear something within the next month?

  15. John

    If I am in the air national guard can I apply to the civilian board or do I need to take a different path to an active duty commission?

  16. Twig

    Has anyone who’s applied for 19OT01 had their package status change from “received” to “board ready” on sharepoint yet? Mine hasn’t and it has me a little worried since the board starts on Monday for Rated applicaants. I tried emailing the POC but its a canned auto reply message saying that the sharepoint will be updated by 25 Jan, which it wasn’t.

    • Comment by post author


      I would ask this on Facebook, but I wouldn’t worry about it. Mine didn’t switch to board ready until halfway through the board. If your status has changed at all since you originally submitted I would be comfortable that the system is working

    • Ivan


      I also applied for the 19OT01 board and my package status reads Downloaded, Pending QC. Not sure if you’re active duty or not, but I reached out to someone at the AFRC and they told me that with this latest board they’ve received a large amount of applicants and because of this, they’ve had to split this board into two, one for rated applicants and one for non rated applicants. The rated applicants would be going up to the board on the initial date that was originally stated, the non rated applicants would be on a board schedule for 5 Feb I believe. They told me to reach back on the 4th if I hadn’t seen a status change to my application.

  17. Nam

    Hello sir,

    My recruiter told me that AF is only looking for pilot and engineering personnel at the moment. Is it true? Should I try contacting other recruiter? I took the AFOQT and I have a degree in Business Administration concentration in Information Technology Management.

    • Comment by post author


      I am not an official source so I don’t formally know if it is true or not, but I do know that is consistent with what I am hearing from applicants across the nation. I expect their policy to change for the FY20 boards. Typically there are different quotas from FY to FY.

  18. Nic

    I had submitted my package to the recruiter and whom called me today saying he cannot submit my package to the board due to new AF policy that states he must narrow down the 20+ packages to 12. Only 12 will be submitted and only 6 of those 12 will actually be selected. I was scheduled to apply to the 19OT02 board. He said this is a AF wide thing, so I was wondering if anyone else had this happen recently?

    • Comment by post author


      Unfortunately this is how the AF does things sometimes. Everything all boils down to quotas, and quotas can get even more complicated when dealing with recruiting squadrons. It sounds like the the squadron has a limited number of quotas so they have to slim down the number of applications they can push forward. By AF-wide thing they probably mean that for all recruiting squadrons AF-wide. Yes, I am receiving similar comments and getting similar emails.

      • Former Enlisted


        I spoke to my recruiter from California. He handles 3 states and only 16 made the cut for this civilian board. The interesting thing is that he was always pushing RPA. If I may ask, what have your sources been saying?

        Thank you.

  19. Time Richbald

    Quick question, what does “Release Date” actually mean? If the board ends on the 1st of March, why do they release selection results 4 weeks after? Is it possible to hear if you’ve been selected earlier?

    • Comment by post author


      Release date is when recruiters and commanders given the board selection results. The board selection process is complicated. During the board they are grading the packages so they can be rack/stacked in 1-N order. After that they have to go through each package and match them to an AFSC in 1-N order. This takes time.

      It is rare to hear earlier than a few days prior to the release date listed. Often the release is delayed.

      • Tom Richbald

        Ah, I see. That makes a lot of sense. Just wishful thinking! Thank you!

  20. Former Enlisted


    I was wondering if you have heard anything about a delay in the civilian 19OT02 board results. I tried calling and emailing my recruiter, but the SSgt has yet to reply. Not even the OTS forum has anything.

    Thank you.

  21. Applicant

    Is there anywhere else where I might find information about results release for the 19OT03 (Civilian) board?

    • Comment by post author


      The best place is the USAF 19OT03 Selection Board Facebook group. I just checked and it doesn’t look like there are any updates. I’ll update my schedules post this week so you have a better idea what is going on, because they released a new schedule.

  22. Applicant

    If you were approved for an individual board, when should you expect to get your results?

    • Comment by post author


      I think it’s usually a few months later. From what I gathered it really just depends on how your specific situation.

      • Applicant

        I was granted an individual board after my package was never given to the board by the program manager. All of my documents were there. I had everything resubmitted back in May. It’s been over 6 months. No one is able to give me an answer.

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