Sharing my journey through Air Force Officer Training School (OTS) and beyond.


FY2020 Officer Training Schedule

Good news, the OTS schedule information is now posted on the Air University web site, and I would consider that information the truth data if a conflict arises between there and what I post here. I’ll still maintain this page for ease of reference.

Here is the officer training class schedule for FY2020 that I am tracking.

Class#Start DateGrad Date
20-0115 Oct 1913 Dec 19
20-0222 Oct 1920 Dec 19
20-0314 Jan 2013 Mar 20
20-0411 Feb 2010 Apr 20
20-0531 Mar 2022 May 20*
20-0619 May 20*10 Jul 20*
20-0730 Jun 20*21 Aug 20*
20-0825 Aug 20*16 Oct 20*
  • 6 Jul 19: Original post date
  • 30 Sep 19: Added disclaimer at top
  • 4 Jan 20: Removed outdated schedule image, and updated class dates 20-06, 20-07, and 20-08 based on official site.
  • 17 Jun 20: Updated dates with new info


  1. NS416

    Thanks for posting this! I am applying to the upcoming 19OT03 board and it is nice to have an idea of possible class dates in advance.

    • Comment by post author


      No problem!

    • Tony Carlton

      How do you get ahold of an officer recruiter? I have been trying for 3 weeks and cant get a call back

      • Comment by post author


        Unfortunately you have to be very persistent because officer recruiters are extremely over-worked. If you hear absolutely nothing I would reach out to the closest enlisted recruiter and see if they can give you good contact information for the closest officer recruiter. Try face-to-face with enlisted recruiter, or try to get in touch with the leadership for the region. I hope this helps, email me if you have more questions.

  2. Former Enlisted


    Do you know if those who were selected in the 19OT02 board can choose a class date? I was selected for RPA and have my flight physical is at the end of July. I was hoping to go later next year (May or June) so that I could work on flight hours and PT.

    My initial recruiter was replaced by someone new.

    Thank you.

    • Comment by post author


      It will vary depending on your situation, but they will try to put you in a September 2019 through March 2020 class. They don’t like to change your class dates once you formally get one in case there is a good reason

  3. Jaeger

    Thank you for the info, this website is a treasure trove! I’m civilian non-rated applying for 19OT03 so now I have an idea of start date if accepted.
    Have a great package with emphasis on volunteer and how well I would fit well in AF(from LORs and essay). I feel I should have emphasized more leadership positions although did focus on those in interview so we’ll see. Do you know the usual amount of non-rated civilian applicants and the acceptance rates? I heard less acceptance lately. Maybe means it will go up or still stay low? Any news through the grapevine?

    • Comment by post author


      Hey thanks for reaching out. The acceptance rates are tough because it swings heavily between 20-70%. Acceptance rates alone aren’t really a fair assessment though because it more depends on the number of slots available and when you apply. At the beginning of the fiscal year there are more slots than the end, if that makes sense. If accepted then take a look at the board schedule. On the right side it says they will try to slot you for TFOT 20-05 to TFOT 20-08, meaning Match-October of 2020. It’s very complicated because it ultimately depends on your specific case. If for example you have medical issues they may push you to later. I hope that helps

  4. Micah

    Does this apply for ANG commissioned officers?

  5. Emmanuel Ani

    My name is Emmanuel, I am in the TXANG and I would like to commission into active AF. I am currently in college with an expected date of graduation in May 2020. I also have 2 associate degrees and my CCAF. I am getting ready to take the AFOQT again by the end of the year. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I was told of this website last week by my ALS classmate. It’s been a great resource and I look forward to making use of all the resource available. I look forward to also getting any advice. Thanks.

  6. Bill

    Have applied OTS19_03. Applied for pilot slot. If I am accepted can you advise me what to expect next? What is the timeline of notifications? Will I be assigned a Class date immediately? When will I be sworn in?

    • Comment by post author


      If you look at the LO board schedule they try to line you up with those classes but it depends on a number of factors. I posted my timeline on my blog but that was a long time ago. It’s more or less the same though. Are you part of any of the Facebook groups?

      • Bill

        Thank you for reply.

        I was wondering if my recruiter will contact me first or if I will get written notification from the AF.
        And wondered if I will have to swear in as soon as I get notified. I read somewhere that you get sworn in as Inactive Reserve immediately. Then later swear in Active Duty just before OTS Class.
        I also wondered if they immediately give you an Class you will attend if that usually happens later.
        I am working on my PPL and wonder what sort of time frame there will be.
        According to the AF Board schedule you posted, I am anticipating hearing in a few weeks or early October.
        I really have appreciated your website for the past year.

        • Comment by post author


          I thought I replied to this but it doesn’t look like it went through. Your recruiter will likely contact you. A lot of people expect written official notifications but as far as I know that usually doesn’t happen. The swearing in info you have is probably accurate and for the class date they try to assign you in a logical way. On the schedule you should see an planned TFOT class for each specific board. That’s the class range they try to get you in unless there are other circumstances. Email me if you have other questions.

  7. Steve

    Thank you for posting this. For the 5 week abbreviated course MOTS 002, is there a graduation ceremony that family/friends can attend?

    • Comment by post author


      Honestly I don’t know. There should be though; the school house usually places a large emphasis on graduation events. If you have a class date you should be able to call the school house directly to confirm.

  8. David

    Active Duty enlisted SSgt here. Looking at the FY20 LO board schedule, so If I apply for OTS for the 7 Apr 2020 20OT03 Board and if I get selected I leave for OTS around May-Aug 2021? Damn that’s almost two years from now! I already have 3 years TOS currently so if I get picked up for a DSD or PCS involuntarily in the next year while applying I take it I’m just screwed for applying for OTS?

    • Comment by post author


      Yes it can take time. That is why they code you with AAC 05 (I think is the code) to help AFPC ensure your OTS plan doesn’t conflict with DSD or the normal PCS process. That’s also why applying from overseas places so many additional steps such as RNLTD timeline requirements. Before they select you for an assignment or DSD they’ll see on your record that you’re trying to apply for OTS

  9. Capt Tahesha German-Taylor

    I am trying to locate a great POC for TFOT. I am currently a Course Supervisor at Air Force Nurse Transition Program – Scottsdale and I have a couple of questions regarding the new curriculum and procedures. Thank you in advance for your response.

  10. Bill

    Has anyone had any news from the CIV 10OT03 Board? Expectation of release?

  11. Bill

    Has anyone heard any results from CIV 19OT03 Board? The expected release date is tomorrow. My recruiter said might be a week late.

  12. Jon

    First and foremost thank you so much for your website. This is such an eyeopener to the USAF world! I want to keep writing on but to get to my point. I am a civilian and trying out for Active-duty OTS. Currently 30 years old (is it too old?), already have B.S. and trying to take AFOQT. My question is when is the next deadline to submit the package on time so that I get to be approved by next year Jan -June timeline?

    • Comment by post author


      Thanks for the feedback! There are two schedules, one for those who are applying and one for those who are selected and attending OTS. The one you want can be found here, and the boards you should be looking at are the ones which say civilian. What do you want to do for the AF? The age limit for non-rated was raised to 39 so you still have time. You are working in the right direction by prepping for the AFOQT. Take a look and let me know if you have any questions.

  13. AJ

    When does the result from the board come out?

  14. AJ

    My question how long does it take to get the news that you are accepted or not accepted meaning days from the release date?
    I am in the 19OT03 Officer Board.

    • Comment by post author


      The results were probably released to the recruiters last week with instructions to not notify selects until Friday, 27 Sep, in the afternoon. It can take a long time for recruiters to get the word out. If you haven’t heard anything by now I would definitely reach out to your recruiter.

    • Comment by post author


      I take that back. I just logged into the 19OT03 Facebook group and it looks like results have not been released yet. I have no official updates. Are you part of that group?

  15. Jonah Bandy

    This is an amazing website with a lot of great information! My post may be a little long but I have had these questions lingering over my head with no answers for a couple months now.

    I am Active Duty Air Force SSgt with a little over 6 years in. I recently PCS’d to Kirtland AFB. I am just over halfway through my bachelors degree (bachelors of science in Aeronuatics with Embry Riddle) with approximately 2 years left (as long as everything goes as planned). My ambitions are to apply to OTS with a rated pilot slot. Below are a few questions I have about the process:

    1. Does TOS (time on station) play a part in applying for OTS? If so, is it the same 4 years as it would be to PCS to another stateside base?

    2. I will be reenlisting in May 2020 after my extension is complete, does this affect the process at all?

    3. I have heard some people applying one year out from graduation, Is this possible for active duty Air Force as long as my GPA is high and AFOQT score is high as well?

    4. The age restriction I have seen for a rated officer is to go to a board by 28 and a half and be in UPT by 30. Is this waiverable? I am currently 25 and will more than likely be 27 before finishing my degree, therefore I would only have one or two boards to get everything together after graduation.

    5. I am considering going Active Reserve, is the process the same for them besides applying to a specific unit?

    Thank you in advance for all your help

    • Comment by post author


      Hey, thanks for the feedback. Feel free to also email me at

      1) yes TOS plays a role but no the timing is different. I haven’t seen the latest questionnaire but last I checked it was a one year TOS requirement.

      2) I don’t think reenlisting plays a huge role but read both questionnaires and fully understand the implications before you go through with it.

      3) yes the rules change slightly over time but the previous guide said you could apply when you are one year from completing your degree. You may have to have the education center validate this on a form as part of your application.

      4) it is waiverable but it can sometimes be difficult. Someone posted the process on my site somewhere, let me know if you need help finding it.

      5) the reserve process as active duty includes an in service recruiter. Step 1, you should establish a relationship with a potential unit. Step 2 would be working with the recruiter to cross over at the end of your commitment or do a palace program. Just know a lot of units want you to serve as enlisted first before they sponsor you for an officer slot, and the officer slots can be highly competitive.

      No problem!

  16. MC

    Thank you!!! This website is so helpful!!

    So I have a question…I am currently in the reserves (enlisted) and I applied for an active duty commission as a nurse. I was told that the Nursing board was taking place Sep 2019 (no specific date was given). When should I expect to hear if I was selected or not?

    Thank you in advance

    • Comment by post author


      MC, unfortunately I’m not very knowledgeable of the nursing boards, they are usually independent of the processes I track. Does your recruiter have any additional information about the schedule for you? The boards are either on a different timeline, or they are conducted on an as needed basis.

  17. Johnathon

    Great post. From your experience, how long does one take to attend OTS after the package has been accepted through the board. For example, you meet the board in Oct when would one anticipate going to OTS?

  18. Rocky Del Rosario


    I was told that there will be no 5.5 wks training anymore for officers. is this true?

    • Comment by post author


      They have consolidating many of the officer training classes. If you are referring to what used to be called Commissioned Officer Training, yes it is now longer because those cadets attend the longer course. A smaller group of cadets attend the 5-week course.

  19. JR

    when will the OTS results be posted for those who submitted packages end of 2019?

  20. TSgt Williams

    Thank you for such a great site! I have a question that I hope you can provide insight on. I’m ANG, and I boarded back in August 2018, while pregnant, and was accepted for a LO position. I just got word today that my package was finally fully approved for appointment, and that the next step would be to work on getting TFOT dates. Would you have any idea what potential school dates would be?

  21. Hezekiah Harper

    Hello. I recently graduated from college and considering applying for the Air Force OCS. Generally, how long is wait for approval/denial of my package and if approved how long can I expect to wait before getting assigned to a class? That is, without any unforeseen issues. Thank you in advance for your response.

    • Comment by post author


      Sorry for the delay. The Air Force OTS process can take a loooonnng time, but there is also a lot of luck involved. A lot of it depends on how you line up with the schedule. For example, if you were to start the process right now as a civilian the next boards are 20OT03 and 20OT04, which have application deadlines of April and July of this year. That is realistically too fast for a recruiter to get everything together for you and schedule you for the medical appointments and do the security clearance process, so you would be looking at the Fiscal Year (FY) 2021 timeframe which starts in October 2020. The schedule for FY21 isn’t released yet, but it would be very similar to the FY2020 schedule. You can see all of the historic schedules on my site.

      What type of job are you looking for? Feel free to shoot me an email at if you have any additional questions. Here is the schedules post:

  22. OTS Candidate

    I am in the ANG and recently got selected for OTS. I was told the rest of the classes for this FY are full. Is there any projection for next FYs school dates? How many spots are reserved for NG for each course?

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