Sharing my journey through Air Force Officer Training School (OTS) and beyond.


FY2021 Line Officer Board Schedule

Disclaimer:  I do not have a need to stay up-to-date on the board schedule.  I will do my best to keep this updated for you all, but if you notice a discrepancy please post a comment to let me know.

Here is the projected FY2021 Line Officer Board Schedule.

Board #
AFRS Application Cut-Off
Board Dates
Estimated Release Date
Projected OTS Class
Estimated OTS Start Month

As Needed

21OT01 (Rated – AD & Civilian)
13 Nov 20
14 – 18 Dec 20
29 Jan 21
22-01 to 22-04
*My Personal Estimate: Oct ’21 to Apr ’22

21OT02 (Non-Rated – AD & Civilian)
19 Feb 21
22 – 26 Mar 21
30 Apr 21
22-01 to 22-04
*My Personal Estimate: Oct ’21 to Apr ’22

21OT03 (Rated – AD & Civilian)
21 May 21
21 – 25 Jun 21
30 Jul 21
22-05 to 22-08
*My Personal Estimate: Mar ’22 to Oct ’22

21OT04 (Non-Rated – AD & Civilian)
20 Aug 21
20 – 24 Sep 21
29 Oct 21
22-05 to 22-08
*My Personal Estimate: Mar ’22 to Oct ’22


  1. Each board will select applicants for AFSCs based on the Accessions Program Guidance Letter
  2. (CAB) Critical Accessions Board are based on Air Force needs and are subject to change
    • FY21 CAB board dates/AFSC will be announced as needed
  3. Applications MUST be received at AFRS NLT midnight on the AFRS Application cut-off date
  4. “Active Duty” Board is for current Enlisted RegAF applicants only
  5. The Projected OTS Class(es) will be the classes LO selects are assigned to

Effective:  7 May 2020


  • 31 May 20: “My personal estimate” is my personal estimation of the OTS class dates by using the official FY20 schedule and projecting the same dates into FY21. As of 31 May 20, the actual FY21 class dates are not yet available.
  • 17 Jun 20: Fixed the years on my personal estimates for the OTS class dates. I forgot to add the extra year to project it into FY22


  1. Jordan

    I wonder what the selection rate will look like this time around. Hopefully higher than the last.

  2. Joel

    I’m probly misreading this, but if the application deadline for 21OT01 is 13 Nov 20, why is your personal estimate for the OTS start date Oct 20 – April 21? Wouldn’t OTS start in Jan/Feb 21 at the absolute soonest?

  3. Janae

    What does rated and non rated mean? Where do you see the selection rates for the civilian?

    • Comment by post author


      I need to update this schedule I think, I don’t have time to check at the moment because it requires me to log in and I’m drowning in homework. Rated are the flyers, pilots, navigators, etc. Non rated are everyone else like finance, cops, comm, maintenance, etc. The selection rates are sometimes posted but honestly they are just a symptom of the quotas for that year. If you are a bada$$ on a bad year or a bada$$ on a good year you’ll likely get picked up regardless. Sometimes the president’s son himself wouldn’t get selected because no slots are available. It’s all about quotas.. but do not dispair. It is much more important to focus on the quality of your application than the metrics such as GPA or AFOQT scores.

  4. JAG Reserve

    When will the dates for 2021 OTS be released? Trying to plan ahead. Thank you!

  5. Dana

    Is there a schedule for nurse practitioner rolling boards?

  6. Camilla Gibson

    I think this has been updated? are you able to go on the afpc website and update us?

  7. Matt

    If it is true that the schedule has changed, I would appreciate it if you could update it. At least for the future rated civ dates, as on the official AF website it says the current civilian winter board schedule has a board application deadline: No later than midnight on January 23, 2020, and for the summer civilian board application deadline: No later than midnight on July 16, 2020, however I am uncertain this is actually correct as it does not specify rated or non-rated. Thanks

    • Comment by post author


      I’ve been in the black hole of grad school so life has been rough! Give me a few days to get my feet under me, I’ll try to download the latest schedule tomorrow

  8. Matt

    I just realized that those dates are all a year old so you can disregard that part of my last comment.

  9. Danny

    So according to this if I am applying for a rated career I would need to have all of my stuff submitted by May 21, 2021 of next year? Could I possibly meet now with a Airforce officer recruiter to have my stuff submitted now. Which btw I am having a hard tome reaching the one in my area. I also need to lose 10Ibs more also according to the weight and height measurements

    • Comment by post author


      I need to log in and update this schedule, but I recommend starting the process with the recruiter as soon as possible because it can take several months to even get the appointments and paperwork lined up. For example, have you taken the AFOQT yet?

      • Danny

        Is this the ASVAB or something different? Am I allowed to talk with a recruiter in another area or does it have to be in the area that I live in? There is only one officer recruiter in my town and it’s been hard getting in contact

        • Comment by post author


          It’s the officer version of the ASVAB. I have info about it on the site under application I think. There is one officer recruiter for an entire region of the USA but maybe a local enlisted recruiter can help you nudge him along. Finally, you may also be able to take the AFOQT at local ROTC detachments without going through a recruiter

  10. Matt

    ^Unfortunately it looks like they changed the FY21 schedule a few months ago to where there is only one rated board and that board now has an app deadline of Jan 14 I believe. So if you are starting now, you will likely have to wait until the next fiscal year to apply or however that works.

    • Danny

      So the next deadline is January 14th 2021? When is the next rated and non rated deadline?

      • Comment by post author


        Yes it changed forever ago. I’ll log in tonight and see if the deadlines are posted

        • Danny

          Thank You ! Also are their rules for if you have ADHD?

        • Chad George

          C. George here- Is there anyone who can help me or i can speak with squeeze me in for July.

          Its my understanding Major General Thomas signed off and canceled upcoming rated July Board .
          That due to the OTS having the highest retention rates among accepted candidates this year. Class sizes have been reduced in half because of covid and now they are trying to find a solution to squeeze more candidates in with social distancing.

          I am so ready ; it was already pushed back . Waiting now for over one year and was anticipating for July finally , now its canceled- My future in the Air Force is in purgatory
          Is there anyone who can help me or i can speak with squeeze me in for July.?

      • Matt

        Actually I may have misinterpreted the dates. It looks like May 2021 is still the AFRS Application cut-off for Rated/Non-Rated.

  11. FolaShade Thompkins

    I hope and pray that you are doing well in graduate school! I am trying to see when the application deadline is for the next non-rated/civilian board. I wanna make sure I get my application in on time.

  12. David A

    Is this still accurate? (Want to submit for the Non-rated 20 AUG 21)

  13. Justin

    My OTS recruiter just sent me an email that said, “there are plenty of other candidates that don’t need an ETP waiver for age.” This is after I’ve sent in all required docs and such. She said, She doesn’t “see as reason to burn time staffing ETP’s.” A little back info on me. I just graduated with a B.A. in Architecture at the age of 39. I’ll turn 40 in April. I believe the USAF can waive the age up to 3 years if needed. I know my window is limited to get into the USAF OTS, but I would think she should still file the ETP, right…, or am I just out of luck for getting in?

    • Comment by post author


      That is kind of messed up because she basically told you that you aren’t worth her time, but since they are so resource constrained it makes sense. It is best practice to do everything you can do to make their job easier, and meet face to face to make them look you in the eyes when they give you news like that. Bottom line, this is indication that our processes for ETP are broken. Our recruiting criteria should be based on things that help us decide your ability to pass the training and become operational, not based on administrative bloat. Hopefully you were able to get a new recruiter?

  14. Khan

    Is there any update for the 21USSF01 Space Force board?

  15. creed

    just checking, my recruiter mentioned that I need to improve my AFOQT score, I am prior enlisted of 11 years and currently taking my grad school. I do not think I can squeeze in sufficient study time to really invest myself in studying on top of grad school. Should I just wait until I get that school break to submit my application? I was hoping they view my package holistically or they are really stickler for the numbers? For context, my cybersecurity undergrad is in-line to what I am applying as non-rated.

    Pilot Navigator Acad Aptitude Verbal Quantitative
    8 31 29 45 18

  16. creed

    just checking, my recruiter mentioned that I need to improve my AFOQT score, I am prior enlisted of 11 years and currently taking my grad school. I do not think I can squeeze in sufficient study time to really invest myself in studying on top of grad school. Should I just wait until I get that school break to submit my application? I was hoping they view my package holistically or they are really stickler for the numbers? For context, my cybersecurity undergrad is in-line to what I am applying as non-rated.

    • Comment by post author


      It is silly, but sometimes recruiters place extra requirements on top of what AFPC requires to help them sift through the large amount of applicants. Not saying that it is right, it can just happen. Depending on your scores I would pick a time between grad school classes to get the highest score you can muster, then continue classes. It would likely be better in the long run. If you don’t really care, then just see if you can get your application as is and let fate decide, I’m just a huge advocate for maximizing all of the different areas you have control of.

      I know this comment was forever ago, I’m just replying so others can read back through the threads. Hit me up if I can help.

  17. Daniel

    Good day sir/maam! how do you do!? im interested in applying to the USAF UCT program and one day get behind an f-15 after my contract with the USMC. I was wondering when the board dates or months are for applying to UCT or UPT.

    • Comment by post author


      Hey Daniel, I could be wrong but the first step would be applying for a rated commission in the USAF. They select airframe during the board based on slot availability so it may be tough to get F15 specifically. Have you talked to a recruiter? Are there any inter-service opportunities from USMC to USAF?

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