Sharing my journey through Air Force Officer Training School (OTS) and beyond.


AF Portal Announcements – 17 Sep 19

Author: AFRS Line Officer Accessions

Published: Tue, Sep 17, 2019

THIS PAGE WAS UPDATED ON:  17 SEP 2019, 0826 hrs CST 

NEW! ALCON (17 Sep 2019)

The share point link is now available.  Link has been posted under, “Submit your Completed Application” page.  Submission link will be active until 1600hrs CST, 8 Oct 2019.

NEW! ALCON, (10 Sep 2019)

Paragraph 4.6. DEROS Return Cycle Ineligibility has been changed to the following and Question 3f:

4.6. DEROS Return Cycle Ineligibility. Action to become eligible, DEROS Return Cycle Policy: AFI 36-2013, paragraph 1.4. Details criteria for those affected by a DEROS. If your DEROS is within the 25th day of the 8 month window prior to your DEROS you must request an extension to your DEROS to be outside the assignment return cycle. When requesting an overseas extension from AFPC through your MPF include the Board number and estimated release date you plan to meet. Applicant must be out of the return cycle to meet the board.

3f. Are you currently serving OCONUS and are within the 25th day of 8 month return cycle of your OS Tour? (Ref: AFI 36‐2013, paragraph 1.4) If you extended for the purpose of applying list you original DEROS ere________________; new current DEROS _____________.

NEW! ALCON, (19 Aug 2019)

BLUF: Strat statements on LORS are NOT mandatory.  Commanders have the latitude to strat if they choose but it is NOT mandatory.  PSDM 19-65 was released 19 August 2019 to Senior Raters across the AF.

The 20OT01 Active Duty Board Cut-off date is now 8 Oct 19; Board convening date is 12 thru 22 Nov 19.  Refer to new schedule posted under Board Schedule and Application Cut-off Dates.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.  If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please let us know by emailing [redacted]

NEW! ALCON, (1 Aug 2019)

Updated Line Officer Accession OTS FY20 Active Duty Program Announcement,  has been released 2 Aug 2019. Go to “Application for a Commission” link to access guide.

The FY19 Critical Accession Boards are closed.   

The FY20 Critical Accession Boards are closed. 

FY20 Board Schedule has been posted to Board Schedule and Application Cut-Off Dates.

 AFPC/DP2SSM Military Records is now AFPC/DP1OR Military Records Incoming or [redacted] when sending the Master Personnel File Review request.


  1. Aus_32

    Thank you so much for all the information you provide. Really keeps me up to date.

    Basic question while I’m learning the entire process.

    If your recruiter have not submitted your package by now and was looking to use my Masters in Engineering as a Civ, I will now need to wait until 2021? I was targeting Reserves but looks like I should go AD instead of waiting an entire yr+.
    Curious what the soonest dates my package could go to the board & when would TFOT be?

    Thank you in advance.

    • Comment by post author


      Hmm, details matter on this one. The Critical Ascession Degree boards are closed right now as far as I know, but sometimes those with engineering degrees can apply though that route and that is a rolling timeline. Also, it depends on what you mean when you say ‘wait until 2021.’ This is a long process with tons of steps. Even the reserve process can take that long. Have you already initiated conversations with a recruiter?

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