Sharing my journey through Air Force Officer Training School (OTS) and beyond.


From the Inbox – USAF Officer Select Status Update

One of my readers forwarded this update to me.  He received it a few days ago from the Chief of the Officer Accessions Branch at Randolph.

——————Message Below———————

Fellow Airmen and soon to be USAF Officers,

Congratulations on being selected on the 16OT03 Non-Rated Officer Selection Board!  You were handpicked to fill the role of leading the Air Force into the next era of Air Superiority.

Here at Air Force Recruiting Service (AFRS), FY16 was stellar recruiting year and we’ve met all of our FY17 requirements from the FY16 Officer Selection Boards.  Since we have been so successful, we have an abundance of Selects (such as yourself) that we need to process and assign to a TFOT Class seat.  Please understand, we are actively doing just that, every day we come to work. I know “not knowing” is discomforting to say the least.  I wanted to reach out to you and explain what has been, and is currently, happening.

Our AFSC specific requirements come from HAF/A1 – from there we assign Selects (you) into AFSCs based on those requirements and Board selection date.  As of today, my team and I have filled TFOT Class seats all the way out to the 29 March 2017 (17-05) Class.  There are a total of 8 TFOT Classes in FY17.  My mission is to make every effort to get you into a FY17 TFOT Class.  That said, please understand Officer Training School (OTS) gives me a limited number of TFOT Class seats to fill for each Class.  Those seats are filled with not just our active duty Airmen (you) but the civilians that were selected from the same Officer Selection Board you met, plus our Guard and Reserve Airmen.

I am sure you are eager to receive your TFOT Class date and start this new chapter of your career. I will be sending you (and your Commander) your TFOT Class Assignment Letter on or about 90 days prior to your Class start date and my team will work with AFPC to get your Orders cut ASAP, to help facilitate a smooth PCS for you (and possibly your family).

If, for some reason, I am unable to assign you into a FY17 TFOT Class, you will certainly be at the top of the list for filling an early FY18 Class (in August or September 2017).  Please hang in there.  I hope that this information helps somewhat in your understanding that we haven’t forgotten you; the Air Force still wants and needs you; you’re still an Officer candidate select, you will be assigned a Class as quickly as possible, and you will receive a TFOT Assignment Letter roughly 90 days prior to your Class start date.

If you email me directly because you have a “special circumstance,” I will NOT entertain it.  Use your chain of command (e.g., your Commander).  I’ll want to know the “what and why” re: those special circumstances; so I can make an informed decision.

Thank you for your service as a loyal and proven enlisted Airman.  And, congratulations once more for working hard and being selected to meet a new challenge of being an even better leader as an Officer in the United States Air Force!  Best of Luck!


  1. Do you think that they have slots reserved for rated and non-rated selects? They had a HUGE amount of non-rated selects, as well as a huge amount of non-rated applicants for this upcoming board. Do you think that they keep slots open for rated selects, and those who will be selected in March?

  2. I think the slots for FY17 (and first quarter FY18) are filled, but they delayed the 17OT01 and 17OT02 boards so they can begin filling the 2018 slots. So I would say that slots are not necessarily reserved, but slots will certainly exist for those two boards. Otherwise all boards would be “NAF,” not just the future ones beyond 01 and 02.

  3. Anonymous

    Hello and thank you for your blog and always keeping us updated with OTS information. I just had a question in regards to my situation and would be thankful if you could assist me. I am currently active duty and only one semester away from getting the required 90 credits to apply for OTS ( Will have the required credits in March). And I am also about to take my AFOQT in February-March and have the commander interview. In regards to rated slots, what would be my best timeframe for my application since everything is getting filled out. Any help would be appreciated! Thank you very much.

  4. I looked at up and I think the rule is that you must be 365 days from graduation, not necessarily 90/30 credits. It may seem minor but semantics can be important as an officer applicant. According to the current schedule it looks like you may be able to apply for the 17OT05 board with applications due in June 2017. IMO that is a comfortable timeline and it should be plenty of time to put together your application.

  5. AFI 36-2013, para:

    3.2.2. Have earned a baccalaureate degree or higher or must meet one of the following conditions: Is within 365 days of graduation from a college or university that is regionally or nationally accredited and is listed in the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System located on the website, maintained by the U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics.

  6. Anonymous

    Thank you very much for your quick reply sir! I will keep on checking your blog every week for updates and will keep you posted on my status and any changes. Thank you once again!

    Best Wishes,


  7. You're welcome! Good luck.

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