Sharing my journey through Air Force Officer Training School (OTS) and beyond.


FY18 Officer Selection Boards – 12 Mar 18 Update

FY18 Officer Selection Boards — UPDATES!!


18OT02 – The PSDM secure link to commanders with selects is projected to be emailed to MPFs on Friday 16 March 2018 by COB.  Official Release will be 22 March 2018.  The PSDM will become public on and a news release will be available at  

18OT04 Active Duty Board scheduled in Aug 2018 has been cancelled due to AFRS meeting accession targets for FY18 and FY19.  The next board schedule will be posted here when FY20 accessions are finalized.

Active Duty Selects are to refer back to their sharepoint file under 18OT02 board to complete the selection Instruction worksheet after reviewing the Active Duty Selection Instructions.  If selectee is unable to access their sharepoint file, complete the manual submission worksheet located with attachment in the Active Duty Selection Instructions and email it to [redacted]

Class CMS messages – The email template states there is a problem, but there is not a problem.  It is a new notification system using another established system that is for problems.  Ensure to log in to MyPers to get the full message and contact your military personnel flight to initiate out-processing and retrieve assignment information.


  1. Melanie Bartholomew

    Not sure if this is the right place to pose this question, but has any information been put out about when official class letters for the classes starting FY19 will be sent out? I was told that it wouldn’t be until after the actual class dates are set which makes sense. So I guess my question is if there’s any idea when that may be.

  2. Comment by post author


    Hey Melanie sorry, I thought I replied to this. They usually release the class letters in May or so. Check the past year schedules on my blog and look when the memo was signed. As far as official class letters I think some people get one and some don’t. It may depend on your recruiter. Are you just wanting confirmation or are you looking for exact dates?

    • Melanie

      I’m currently active duty Army and I need the letter in order to get separation orders. I slotted for the 19-01 class so I have a little time but the sooner I can get it the better.

  3. scott

    when do they typically post the FY accession targets? Will the FY20 be release slightly prior to the FY20 or do they ever release sooner than that?

    • Comment by post author


      The FY19 schedule fills FY20 quotas, so I’m pretty sure the targets will be released this fall. Are you active duty or civilian?

      • John

        I was wondering the same thing as Scott. I am ADAF myself. Hoping the schedule releases sooner than that because I am OS with a DEC 2018 DEROS. I don’t want to extend my DEROS or push my RNLTD for my next assignment without knowing the first FY19 board date. Hopefully it all lines up the way it needs to.

        • Comment by post author


          The schedule should be released soon, May or June probably. AFRS has told people the next board will be in January at the earliest, so I personally think Jan or Mar

          • Joshua Burrow

            Just curious where you heard or saw AFRS say that the next board could be in January at the earliest?

          • Comment by post author


            I was helping someone who was asking me random questions, and ended calling up AFRS. While she was on the phone with AFRS they mentioned that “the next board won’t be until January at the earliest.” Take that for what it is… I think that was about a month ago.

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