Sharing my journey through Air Force Officer Training School (OTS) and beyond.


October ’16 Non-Rated LO Selection Board Postponed

This was posted on the Air Force Portal on Tuesday, October 11, 2016:

Due to the high number of line officer applications and limited available training vacancies, the October 2016 Non-Rated Line Officer Selection Board has been postponed to March 2017, with an expected release date of April 2017. Currently all Fiscal 2017, and the first quarter of Fiscal 2018, officer training vacancies have been filled. Rescheduling the October 2016 Non-Rated Line Officer Selection Board, allows AFRS to begin filling Fiscal 2018 jobs when training vacancies become available. We understand the concern and uncertainly this causes for those that have applied. Note that applications submitted (and received at HQ/AFRS by the cut-off date) for the October 2016 Non-Rated Line Officer Selection Board will meet the March 2017 board. You will not have to re-apply. However, if rescheduling the board, is going to cause any age, DEROS or TOS issues, please contact your local MPF and/or your installation education office for information. You can also check out the FAQs here. It is recommended you visit this page frequently for the most up-to-date information about the Line Officer program.

Public Affairs Version:


  1. Hey just had a question about the 2016 officer rated selection board. I applied for the end of June board and have not seen any results or heard back from my recruiter. If you have any advice please shoot me an email, thank you!

  2. Austin, if you applied for the rated board (16OT04) those results were released in September. Contact your recruiter! He or she should be able to confirm what is going on. The TDSP (16OTTDSP) results are released differently. I don't have your email address so hopefully you get this!

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