Sharing my journey through Air Force Officer Training School (OTS) and beyond.


18OT02 Active Duty / 18OTCAD Board Results

Here are the results from the 18OT02 Active Duty and 18OTCAD selection boards.

  • 909 Active Duty considered
  • 288 Active Duty selected
  • 33% selection rate

Click Here for the 18OT02 and 18OTCAD press release which includes the names of those selected.

Click Here for a link to all press releases on my blog.


  1. argos303

    Does AF post a civ selection board result? I was in 18OT01 and selected with a non-rated slot. Just curious the stat of the board…

    • Comment by post author


      Congratulations on your selection! I have all the ones I can find posted on my blog, and unfortunately 18OT01 isn’t there for some reason. I don’t know if some boards fall through the tracks or if they don’t post some for OPSEC reasons, or what the deal is.

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