A future cadet from TFOT Class 18-03 created this outstanding checklist to help people get organized prior to OTS. I am posting the screenshots in this blog post but the download links are below. There are four files which I am leaving in .docx format so people in the future can download and revise. If you revise them, please send them back to me and I’ll upload the revised copy.
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Roger E Whitehouse
Hey there, my recruiter has told me that I only need a few of these things, namely SSN, birth certificate, direct deposit, etc. Do we have to have all of these things (most of which I have not heard of) as soon as we get to OTS?
This is unofficial, use whatever you get from the WINGS site and from your recruiter. Which ones are you most curious about? SSN/birth will get you into DEERS, a master military ID database. Direct deposit will get you paid. I would bring shot records so they don’t re-do all of your shots.. those are the important ones off the top of my head.