Sharing my journey through Air Force Officer Training School (OTS) and beyond.


FY2018 Line Officer Board Schedule

Disclaimer:  I do not have a need to stay up-to-date on the board schedule.  I will do my best to keep this updated for you all, but if you notice a discrepancy please post a comment to let me know.

The 2018 schedule was released!  Here are the dates:

Basically the first thing you should do is check the schedule to see when the next upcoming board is.  Check the SharePoint of AF Portal sites for the most up-to-date information because it changes often.

This is the schedule which applies to those who wish to apply for one of the OTS boards.

Board #
Application cut-off
Board Date
Estimated Release Date


18OT01 (Civilian)
15 Sep 17
20 Oct 17
17 Nov 17 (Rumored delay to 15 Dec 17, confirmed by recruiters)
15 Dec 17 (Rumored delay to 22 Dec 17, confirmed by recruiters)

18OT02 (Active Duty)
19 Jan 18
16 Feb 18
16 Mar 18

18OT03 (Civilian)Applications Closed, Click Here for Link
13 Apr 18
18 May 18
15 Jun 18

18OT04 (Active Duty)Cancelled, Click Here for Link
13 Jul 18
17 Aug 18
14 Sep 18


  1. (CAD) Critical Accessions Degree’s are listed in afrsi36-2001 Para 6.6.1. boards will be conducted on a rolling basis
  2. Apps Must be received NLT midnight on the app cutoff date at HQ AFRS
  3. “Active Duty” Boards are for current Enlisted REGAF applicants only

Effective:  27 June 2017


  • 19 Oct 17:  Added in rumored 18OT01 delay
  • 2 Nov 17:  Fixed the FY18 schedule image.
  • 9 Nov 17:  Fixed the FY18 schedule image again and removed the strikes through the rolling boards because it is rolling.
  • 19 Nov 17:  Adjusted 18OT01 delay info
  • 8 Dec 17:  Adjusted 18OT01 delay info based on rumors and confirmations from Facebook.
  • 12 Mar 18:  Updated cancelled 18OT03 and 18OT04 boards.


  1. Anonymous

    any idea what the CAD degrees are? Or has that not been released yet? I cannot seem to find the afrsi36-2001 document

    • I was wondering the same thing myself. Probably medical and engineering, but I couldn’t find the document either.

      • dunno

        Dang. I’ve just graduated as an industrial engineer and have am uncertain whether my degree will be CAD or not. I’ll keep looking. Thanks for looking and for this info!

        -also, whoops. Didn’t mean to double post

  2. dunno

    any idea what the CAD degrees are? I cannot seem to find the afrsi36-2001 document

  3. Joey

    I know the “cut-off” for 18OT02 is 19 Jan 2018, but when does the link populate to submit an application, because I read they’re only accepting the first 125 applicants…

    • Comment by post author


      I can’t remember when they open the link, I thought that was in the guide somewhere. Last I heard they got rid of the 125 limit a while ago. As far as I know that was a remnant of FY2017.

    • Joe Trav

      Not sure if you found the answer already, but the link to submit opens 2 weeks prior to the deadline…which gives you until 5 JAN to submit early

  4. Autumn

    Was the CAD rolling board cancelled?

    • Comment by post author


      I don’t think it is cancelled, I think they are just using that one to allow people with needed degrees to apply. Did you apply?

      • Autumn

        Yes. I applied. I am a Dietitian. Currently a MSgt (4A0) in the AF reserves. Recruiter estimated Sept/Oct time frame for board to meet. Now I’m on pins and needles. Waiting is the hardest part.

  5. Joe Trav

    Any word on what is designated as a CAD degree? I was going to wait until the 18OT02 board, but if I can apply early with an engineering degree that would be amazing.

    Any help or where to look would be extremely helpful. Thank you.

    • Comment by post author


      Here are the rumors I saw on Facebook:
      32E3A, Architect/Architectural Engineer: Architecture, Architectural Engineer degrees.
      32E1G, General Engineer: Architectural Engineer, Civil Engineer, Electric Eng and Communications Eng, Environmental/Environmental Health Eng, Mechanical Eng, Construction Eng. Industrial Eng.
      32E1J, Environmental Engineer: Environmental/Environmental Health Eng.
      62E1E, Electrical/Electronic Eng: Electrical Eng and Communications Eng.
      62X1G, Project/General Eng: Engineering.

  6. Gregory

    Confirmed 18OT01 Delay. Tentative 15 December 17 release now.
    Source: My LO Recruiter

  7. Former Enlisted


    There seems to be two dates for the 18OT03 civilian board. Is the application cut off for the 18OT03 civilian board March 13 or April 13? Thank you.

  8. Brittnie

    I just tried to contact a recruiter about applying to a board in FY2019 (I wanted to start early and get my ducks in a row – figured FY starts in September), but he told me all officer recruits were being referred to enlist first since all the line officer roles for FY2018 were full. Is he full of BS, or should I just wait until they announce the FY2019 board dates and call his bluff?

    Appreciate the insight!

    • Comment by post author


      Some recruiters are saying that, some are saying contact them in May or October. The 2018 quotas may be claimed, they have the best visibility on that. There is definitely nothing saying you have to enlist, just know timing wise you likely have a long road ahead of you

  9. CybertoRPA

    Is there a board schedule for non-rated officers to become rated? I want to go RPA.

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